About Lady T’Mil

“Are you starting or relaunching a brand or idea?”
“Does the idea of marketing yourself or your product seem daunting?”
“Are you looking to enhance your overall social media presence?”
“Do you feel like you’ve run out gas and need a boost to push through?”

Hey there, Lady T’Mil here and welcome to my agency. The place you’re in, I’ve been there. I’m no stranger to late nights and hard work. There’s been highs and lows but I truly understand the value of excellent coaching.

Some like to call me an expert but I’m not here for that. I’m just a born and bred Chicagoan that wants to see you succeed! Has the groundwork been laid?

Sure! The degrees are there and there’s also over 20 years of experience in marketing, coaching, promotion, and business ownership.

I want to use what I’ve gained to help guide you through this land called MARKETPLACE. A quality athlete is nothing without an amazing coach. Let me run this race with you.

Your new coach, Lady T’Mil